Monday, May 16, 2011

Bald is beautiful

RTÉ.ie Fashion: Bruce Willis - Bald and proud
Bruce Willis- Bald and Proud
Goodbye to comb-overs. Farewell rugs and plugs. The shaved head has become an accepted solution to male hair loss and a bold fashion statement. According to statistics from Conair, some 22 million men aged 22 to 65 shave their heads regularly. And men's fashion pundits approve ... mostly. Years ago, a full head of hair was thought to be a serious turn-on. Whether straight, curly or dreadlocked, hair was a sign of youthfulness, masculinity and vitality. But all of this has changed. Today men can have long hair, short hair, and now they can have no hair. It's a style statement. Being bald says, I'm confident, strong, this is me.

Take a good look on TV or around your office, the local Tesco, the coffee shop, your gym. More than likely, you'll spot several men who have buzzed off their hair (or what was left of it). These days, bald has gone mainstream, with more older and professional men shedding all their locks for a daring new look."I don't think though that baldness is a taboo subject anymore," says stylist Mark Andrew Kelly. "I think it's a personal thing. For some it's a fact of life but for others it's total devastation. Maybe the reason why men shave their hair off is because the taboo here is men caring at all about their appearance - something which we Irish need to get over if I'm honest. Shaving it off is a quick and easy option that would attract less attention than spending the time and money trying to preserve your crowning glory."

Years ago, actors Yul Brynner and Telly Savalas were part of a small crowd of famous faces who went with the shaved look. But the list of famous shaved or bald heads has grown to include Bruce Willis, Billy Zane, Vin Diesel, and Tennis hunk, Andre Agassi. "Male stars such as Bruce Willis and Jason Statham have propelled baldness into the realms of ultra coolness and now the bald look has gone mainstream," says Apprentice star turned hairdresser, Barry Caesar Hunt. "As a hairdresser, I'm dealing with this on a daily basis. I think there is certainly a trend aspect to it but it's not so much the fact that lads who have hair are shaving their heads; it's the guys who have no hair have found a way to take control of the situation - and look fashionable too. "

It's not for everyone. Though the bald-is-beautiful trend is reaching into all sections of society, not every thin-haired guy is sold on the look.
"I did the whole shaved head thing a few years ago," says socialite and gossip writer, Gavin Lambe Murphy, "I grew my hair back eventually, quite simply because I could. A lot of guys do it as they are losing their hair and it is a far better look than a guy trying to hang on to his last few strands. It suits some guys really well (Jason Statham, Freddie Ljunberg, David Beckhmam, Tom Ford) and others not so well."Gavin argues that a shaved head plays best on a man with strong features and "the right-shaped" skull. Right-shaped? "It's not a democratic style," he warns "If you have a fat face it won't work, as it will make your face look fatter. Ask the stylist about the shape of your head - sounds mad but all heads are different shapes. Will it make your ears stick out? Think first! It will either make you look very butch or very camp; it's a tough call"."

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